
Establish a guardrail. Eliminate access.

Accountable2You is an accountability software that monitors the searches on your devices and sends weekly email reports to a virtual accountability partner of your choosing. It flags mature content based on word searches, so it is a great resource for those struggling with both video pornography and erotica. It will send your partner an immediate alert when it detects mature content. Not only does it monitor Google searches, but it also monitors within certain social media platforms, streaming services, and flags any uninstall attempts. You can choose an individual plan or a family plan.

If you are interested in trying out Accountable2You, click here to get the first month free! Try it out for a month to see what a difference it makes in your life, and then decide if you’d like to continue!

The Victory Collective is an affiliate of Accountable2You and may receive financial support from purchases made with this link. Any financial support received will be put toward the ministry.